- Toward an Ontology of Workarounds: A Literature Review on Existing Concepts. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2016 mehr…
- Workaround Aware Business Process Modeling. Proceedings der 12. Internationalen Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2015Osnabrück mehr…
- Embracing a Relational View of Workarounds: An Affordance Perspective. Proceedings of the Twentieth DIGIT Workshop, 2015Fort Worth, Texas mehr…
- IT Enabled Agility in Organizational Ambidexterity. Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2014Savannah, USA mehr…
- A Situational Perspective on Workarounds in IT-Enabled Business Processes: A Multiple Case Study. Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Information Systems, 2014Tel Aviv, Israel mehr…
- Why Managers Tolerate Workarounds? The Role of Information Systems. Proceedings of the Twentieth Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2014Savannah, USA mehr…

Dr. Nina Röder
Exploring the Effect of Workarounds in Ambidextrous Organizations