Pro-Services: Process design and facilitation for Service Engineering

Initial Situation
In contrast to product industry, for the development and management of services it’s missing systematic approaches.
Project Aim
Strategies, reference models and methods for systematic development of services will be designed.
- Modularization of complex enterprise services with the aim of a customized blank based on (partially) standardized service modules.
- Model-based reflection and targeted design of processes of service engineering and continuously improving.
- Employee-oriented, participatory productivity management for the supply of services and sustainable capacity building for service engineering by training services.
- Moderation for recommendations for the design of complex communication and cooperation structures of service engineering processes.
These components are combined into a customizable service engineering guide. The implementation of the methods is facilitated by the computer-based service engineering workbench. Guide and workbench will be evaluated with corporate partners and prepared for transfer.
- Flexible method kit for Service Engineering
- Service Engineering Workbench for efficient computer-assisted implementation of service development processes
- Qualification of service engineers by implementation of the project results in trainings
Scientific Partner
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Universität Dortmund, Department of Computer Science (Prod. Dr. Herrmann)
Universität Dortmund, Department of Applied Organizational Psychology (Prof. Dr. Kleinbeck)
Business Partner
TDS Informationstechnologie AG
EGT Holding AG
Akademie für Weiterbildung Hohenheim
ITM Gesellschaft für Informations- und Technologie Management mbH
3M Deutschland AG
debis Systemhaus GEI mbH
DeTe-Immobilien AG
ExperTeam AG
VA – Akademie für Führen und Verkaufen e.V.
Fortrans – Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Wissenstransfer e.V.
Research Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
AT - ATHG01112700 - 01HG0067