Hiwis, Master and Bachelor students

Ata Jadid Ahari


02/2022 - present Research assistant in the Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine, TUM, Germany


2021 - present M.Sc in Biomedical Computing, TUM, Germany
2016 - 2021

B.Sc in Computer Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran


Aleksandr Neverov


03/2023 - present Research assistant in the Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine, TUM, Germany


2022 - present B.Sc in Data Science, KU Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany
2020 - 2022 B.Sc and M.Sc dual degree programme in Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, Lomonosov Moscow State Universtiy, Russia

Aylin Özgen


10/2023 - present Master Thesis in the Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine, TUM, Germany
09/2022 - 03/2023 Special Researcher, Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan
10/2021 - 07/2022 Research Assistant, Smartprobes, Germany


2021 - present M.Sc in Physics, LMU, Germany
2018 - 2021 B.Sc  in Physics, LMU, Germany

Gordan Prastalo


08/2023 - present IDP Student in the Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine, TUM, Germany
03/2022 - present

Working Student, Computer Vision and Al, AstraZeneca, Germany

10/2022 - 03/2023 Student Research Assistant, Chair of Bioinformatics, TUM, Germany


2021 - present M.Sc in Computer Science, TUM, Germany
2018 - 2021

B.Sc. Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia


Manuel Senge


09/2023 - present IDP Student in the Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine, TUM, Germany


10/2022 - present

M.Sc. in Computer Science at TUM, Germany

10/2018 - 10/2021 B.Sc. in Computer Science at TU Darmstadt, Germany


Manuel Senge, Timour Igamberdiev, Ivan Habernal. One size does not fit all: Investigating strategies for differentially-private learning across NLP tasks. arXiv, 2023



Anna Starovoit


04/2022 - present Data Science Working student at minnosphere GmbH, Munich, Germany
04/2021 - 10/2021 Junior Data Analyst, Agro Agency AGROS, Ukraine


2021 - present M.Sc in Mathematics in Data Science, Linde/MDSI, TUM, Germany
2016 - 2021

B.Sc in System Analysis and Control, National Technical University of  Ukraine