TEXO: Business Webs in the Internet of Services - Part of THESEUS

Internet of Services, Future Business Value Networks
Initial Situation
The THESEUS research program is making a contribution to a new internet-based infrastructure in which the knowledge on the internet can be better prepared and used in the future. Public and industrial research partners develop innovative basic technologies and technical standards under the umbrella of THESEUS.
The research project Texo is part of Theseus, a research program which was launched by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy. Due Theseus a new internet-based infrastructure will be developed in order to exploit and utilize the knowledge on the internet in a better way. In this context Texo helps to create a service economy by developing components for the infrastructure of Business Webs in the Internet of Services. Services offered via the Internet serve a dual purpose: With their help, both consumers and technical systems can retrieve business functions that are provided by partner companies. Texo wants to provide a platform that allows to trade services on the internet and combine them into value-added services, where the customer-specific services will be integrated into the user environment.
The Chair for Information Systems is involved in the TEXO work package "Service Innovation". The aim is to investigate how new services can be systematically developed for the Internet of Services. In particular, new innovation processes, collaboration models and novel Web 2.0-based tool support will be examined.
The research focus of Texo is on web-based services that are available on the internet and their automation by the help of technical services (e.g. Web Services). Texo considers services and technical services throughout their entire life cycle, from new development to use with intuitive interfaces and technical systems. The innovation of services (for example, to exploit the synergy potential of online communities), their design, development, deployment, composition and delivery is a process in which in addition to commercial service providers and service-hosting the service users – individuals or organizations – are involved. Only through an interdisciplinary approach, an integrated platform can be created that will suit to all involved parties and supports all phases of the life cycle.
Scientific Partners
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsruhe
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Technische Universität Darmstadt
Technische Universität Dresden
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Business Partners
SAP Research (project leader)
empolis GmbH
intelligent views GmbH
ontoprise GmbH
Siemens AG
A total of about 55 scientists from these organizations are concerned with TEXO.
Research Funding
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
- Stephan Stathel, Jan Finzen, Christoph Riedl, Norman May (2008): Service Innovation in Business Value Networks. In Proceedings of XVIII International RESER Conference
- Christoph Riedl, Tilo Böhmann, Michael Rosemann, Helmut Krcmar (2008b): Quality Aspects in Service Ecosystems: Areas for Exploitation and Exploration. Proceedings of 10th Int. Conf. on Electronic Commerce (ICEC'08), Innsbruck, Austria
- Christoph Riedl, Tilo Böhmann, Michael Rosemann, Helmut Krcmar (2008a): Quality Management in Service Ecosystems. Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISeB)