Cosmos: Community online services and mobile solutions

Initial Situation
The human need for communication and integration is in all situations in life unrestricted with regard to time, place and contents. This is especially true for people who have similar interests, objectives or are faced with certain problems. Cosmos is a joint project consisting of four sub-projects: lifestyle, healthcare, infrastructure and learning center.
Project Aim
The needs of cancer patients for reliable information, contact to other affected persons and social support should be satisfied everywhere, where it occurs, and not only in specially designated places.
So called Mobile Communities are enabled by a communication platform that is accessible anywhere and anytime with conventional as well as mobile access devices. With the assistance of the network supported community long-term, value-based strategies are developed for the oncology domain to deal with a life-threatening disease. Interaction, team spirit and solidarity are of particular importance for the creation process of ubiquitous communities.
Cancer patients are provided anywhere and anytime with professional and scientific verified information. Cancer patients are provided anywhere and anytime with professional and scientific verified information. Furthermore, the integration of patients in a community is enabled. Mobile and conventional applications will be tailored to the cancer patients’ needs. These applications will be continuously extended together with project partners and patients. On the basis of these findings, business models, service models and operating models are developed and consolidated to generic models. Finally, a generic guide for the systematic development of Mobile Communities (Community Engineering) will be developed.
Scientific Partner
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Universität Hohenheim
Krebsinformationsdienst KID
Interdisziplinäres Tumorzentrum
Onkologischer Schwerpunkt Stuttgart e.V.
Business Partner
O2 (Germany) GmbH & Co. OHG
AOK Baden-Würrtemberg
Dr. Šonje Webconsult GmbH
Research Funding
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Förderkennzeichen 01 HW 0107 01 – HW 0110
Additional Information