Sonderforschungsbereich 768 - Subproject D1

Initial Situation
Shifting towards a PSS introduces various number of inconsistencies to the existing processes and models. More number of domains and teams have to collaborate with each other in order to realize a PSS concept. Every team uses a domain-specific model and develop a particular component of the final PSS. Nevertheless, these models and components are inter-related and a change in one part requires adjusting the others. Therefore, companies face more inconsistencies during their shift towards a PSS. However, they lack the effective mechanisms to identify such inconsistencies as well as to manage and resolve them.
Project Aim
The aim of the sub-project D1 is to better handle innovation cycles - such as development and change cycles - by identifying and resolving errors early during the PSS innovation process. For this purpose, subproject D1 develops an approach that, on the one hand, integrates the various models involved in the heterogeneous model landscape of the PSS innovation process and, on the other hand, diagnoses and resolves inconsistencies between these models by means of suitable processing mechanisms. This avoids unnecessary iterations in the PSS innovation process, thus saving time and money in PSS design.
- Start-up financing in SFB 768 based on the cooperation of sub-projects A4, A6 and C2 together with Prof. C.J.J. Paredis (Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Graph-based representation of the models using the Resource Description Framework
- Formulating inconsistencies as a graph pattern for the identification of inconsistencies using the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language
- Formulating semantic dependencies through semantic mediation of domain-specific models
- A framework for identifying inconsistencies in PSS models
Work Packages:
- Analysis of existing approaches for inconsistency management among models from heterogonous models
- Developing tools to identify inconsistencies among heterogonous models
- Tackling the inconsistencies caused by non-technical models such as business models
- Evaluation of the approach and tool
- Facilitating PSS development by decreasing number of errors and iteration cycles
Scientific Partners
- Institute of Product Development (Subprojects A2, A10, B1, C2, T1)
- Chair for Information Systems (Subprojects A4, C1)
- Institute of Industrial Management and Assembly Technologies (Subprojects B3, B4, T2)
- Institute of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology (Subproject B5)
- Chair for Technology and Innovation Management (Subprojects C3, C5)
- Institute of Automatic Control (Subprojects A3, A7)
- Institute of Automation and Information Systems (Subprojects A6, MGK, Z)
Business Partners
Transfer projects with B/S/H Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte and MAN
Research Funding
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Additional Information
Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar
Dr. Markus Böhm
Mohammadreza Basirati (Contact Person)