SPRINT: Systematic Design for Integrating of Product and Service - Hybrid Value Creation

Initial Situation
Today, lack of exercise and poor nutrition are common causes for a variety of diseases. Health insurance companies and employers struggling with high costs particular resulting from cardiovascular diseases, back problems or diabetes. Prevention and fitness programs with individual coaching are very effective, but in case of high costs only a few people can afford it. Competitive pressure is forcing fitness services to limit the labor-intensive care services for individual customers significantly.
Project Aim
The project’s aim is to reduce the cost of training support with good quality standard as far as possible, and thus make it accessible to a large number of people. The Personal Health Manager as well as a concept for a scalable infrastructure for service provision will be developed in the project.
The "Personal Health Manager", a combination of product (hardware + software) and services (training advice, monitoring, etc.) allows coaches to support a much larger number of people with a similar effort. Frequently recurring processes and routine tasks will be automated or supported and the progress will be documented. The solution will be tested in the field of occupational prevention in Munich-based companies.
- Development and piloting of a solution (Personal Health Manager) for IT-supported occupational health management
- Development of new user groups with a high quality and cost-effective (because of by variety users parallel usable) IT-based fitness facilities
- Development of methods, models and tools for systematic product bundling services in the health industry
- Development of adapted sports medicine models for motion planning, documentation and control for office workers
- Measuring the value contribution of IT-supported investments in preventive exercise programs
Scientific Partners
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Technische Universität München, Department for Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine
CLIC Center for Leading Innovation and Cooperation
Center for Digital Technology & Management
Business Partners
O2 (Germany)
Kuratorium für Prävention und Rehabilitation an der Technischen Universität München e.V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sportmedizin und Prävention (Deutscher Sportärztebund) e.V.
Research Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
DLR – German Aerospace Center (project promoter)