Process Landscape Germany: B2G, eGovernment, Public Administration, Process Management, Process Library

Initial Situation
Starting from the Action Plan E-Government and the European initiative i2010, the experiences with BundOnline2005 and Deutschland-Online, the German federal government has decided to initiate the program E-Government 2.0 as a concretization of a part of the overall strategy “Future-Oriented Administration by Innovation” in the government program. One of the focus areas is the electronic collaboration between business and administration through joint process chains. The greatest efficiency potentials appear at the interface between business and government (B2G - Business to Government) which can be realized by linking their process chains electronically.
For this, important initiatives and tasks in the public sector are analyzed and processes with high efficiency potential selected and grouped into predefined clusters. This includes tasks that arise in the context of the services directive. But also the approval procedures and reporting requirements of energy producers are subjected to detailed analysis. The focus is on the analysis of complete e-government value networks that include both a cross-level examination of contacts with authorities and contacts with so-called intermediaries or other partners. In addition to a detailed internet research and document analysis with the involved actors, expert interviews are conducted for a comprehensive survey of the processes.
The following results of the cooperation can be achieved:
- Description of the B2G Process landscape particularly at the federal level
- Description of selected process chains with design for implementation
- Sketches for special implementation projects on the basis of the test results
Scientific Partners
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Business Partners
Siemens AG, Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS PSH)
Research Funding
Cooperation with Siemens IT Solutions and Services (SIS PSH)