Modular Architectures and Assessments for the Internationalization of Service Offers (MARIS)

Initial Situation
The development of new markets for successful offerings for service providers require a high degree of flexibility and customization. At the same time standardization potentials must be exploited in order to provide services effectively.
Project Aim
MARIS develops a method that supports the systematic transfer of services to new markets abroad.
The MARIS methodology supports the selection of actions for the transfer of services under the consideration of the two poles localization and globalization of skills and resources. The methodology encompasses three components:
- Assessment: Detection and documentation of elements and technical services in the home country and collecting the terms and conditions in the destination country.
- Action Planning: Identifying transfer obstacles between the service concept and preconditions in the destination country and identification of countermeasures.
- Modularization: Identification of ways to improve the transnational reuse and standardization of components of technical services.
- Quality improvement: fewer design errors in the internationalization of successful services
- Internationalization of the portfolio: Navigate heterogeneities in the service offer and take advantage of homogeneity
- Transferability: More efficient and effective country- and customer-specific development and adaptation
- Repeatability: Unleashing the Potential of internationalization can be repeated.
Scientific Partners
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Department for Information and Technology Management (Prod. Dr. Herrmann)
Universität Erfurt, Chair of Innovation Economics (Prod. Dr. Burr)
Business Partners
twenty4help Knowledge Service AG
m+w Zander DIB Facility Management GmbH
IDS Scheer AG
TÜV Thüringen e.V.
impiris Institut
avaso GmbH
The Association for Services Management International
Research Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Additional Information