Mobile Automotive Cooperative Services (MACS)

Initial Situation
The value chain “automobile” is in a profound change. The reason is the increasing globalization and the rapid development of technologies. According to various studies, the automotive industry is facing the challenge to compensate sales volumes and revenue in order to achieve a future sustainable, profitable growth. Innovative power spectra - as self-initiated telematics services, for example – in addition to the classical offers of the automotive industry were not able to establish themselves within the automotive industry value chain or only to a limited extent.
Project Aim
Introduction of modern telematics services for automotive manufacturers and their partners to maximize the earnings potential over the entire life cycle of the motor vehicle.
The MACS project supports the development of cooperative telematics services around the automobile by the consideration of the following problem areas:
- Prototypical implementation of mobile services based on innovative information and communication technologies.
- Design of a distributed IT infrastructure as a base for mobile services.
- Development of a process model for the development and implementation of mobile services within the meaning of service engineering.
- Construction and design of a collaborative supply network in the context of knowledge-intensive mobile telematics services.
- Into account safety issues in the use situation and derivation of safety recommendations.
- Integration Guide for the development of an IT infrastructure for mobile services in the automobile.
- Usability studies to accelerate the development of similar future services.
- Security Guide, which documents the requirement for the design of automotive services and reflects the relevant legislation in this area.
- Availability of business models for knowledge-intensive telematic services as economically profound basis for decision-makers.
Scientific Partners
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Technische Universität München, Chair of General and Industrial Business Administration (Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Reichwald)
Fachhochschule Nürtingen, Institut für Automobilwirtschaft e.V. (Prof. Dr. Willi Diez)
Business Partners
Research Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research