diGit: Competence Center Borderless Administration - IT Support for Digital Government - Management Information in Local Authority

Initial Situation
As part of administrative work, public administrations cooperates with numerous different stakeholder like politicians, citizens, entrepreneurs and so on. Each of them presents its own individual challenges for this cooperation. Digital government means to examine the possibilities of ICT in the context of the demands placed on its capabilities and its economic viability as well as to develop ICT to the point that it can be put into use and its introduction into the workplace.
Project Aim
The Competence Center Borderless Administration wants to take a communicative function between economy and research. Cooperation between administration and politics, administration and administration and political work in committees shall be supported. Among other things, demand-driven meeting concepts shall be developed that are pre-programmed for different occasions and which combine tools of technical meeting support with methods of meeting preparation and moderation. In addition, the project will deal with various topics in the field of information management. For example, Enterprise Architecture Management and human resources development for IT departments.
Using a laboratory for meeting support, the Technische Universität München is working on the development of the meeting concepts described above. Needs and flows of Information in the context of cooperation between administration and politics will be examined to improve the support of information procurement, processing and storage. The cooperation e.g. in KORVIS combines organizational approaches to information and knowledge organization with the advancement of technical tools for structuring and retrieval of information and knowledge resources. In the field of IT management, models and presentation formats will be designed to enable an improved support of IT decisions in term of its development.
The management of the state capital Stuttgart and the municipal council shall be supplied with decisional-relevant information. This will be done in different work domains (Council Working, IT Management, IT Strategy), each with context-specific solutions. The Chair for Information Systems acts here as a trend monitor and supports the transfer of technical and scientific knowledge into the communal management.
Scientific Partners
Technische Universität München, Chair for Information Systems (Prof. Dr. Krcmar)
Universität Stuttgart, Department of Political Science and Political Sociology
Business Partners
State capital Stuttgart
Information Architectures CIT GmbH