Ökoradar (Eng.: Eco Radar): The Gateway to a Sustainable Economy

Initial Situation
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research has approved the joint project Ökoradar in February 2001. In the center of this major project, in which more than 80 German companies and institutions are involved, is an innovative Internet portal. The project will initially run for three years.
Project Aim
Ökoradar’s philosophy is to encourage the pursuit of companies’ sustainable management, which have so far not or hardly dealt with this aspect, with as simple and convincing means.
Ökoradar is the prototype of an operational early warning system, which will help to ensure that German companies will recognize environmental technical, political and economic risks - but also market opportunities - faster than other competitors and that they also will be able to assess them better. The portal of Ökoradar system consists of eight Ökoradar screens. These screens can be used individually – or as a whole – as an operating radar (“micro level”) and as an environmental radar (“macro level”) via one mouse click.
- The operating radar is a system module available for all Ökoradar screens. Thus, the user can, for example, record and assess their corporate environmental information, environmental policy and environmental objectives systematically.
- With the environmental radar, a system module available for all Ökoradar screens, the user can monitor the global, national and regional environmental data and environmental objectives.
The research project is based at Deutsches Kompetenzzentrum für Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften (dknw) at the Universität Witten/Herdecke and is carried out in cooperation with the Chair for Environmental Management at the University of Hohenheim. The Chair for Information Systems will prepare the expertise, which provides the Chair for Environmental Management, with a technical focus and implement the IT concept in cooperation with the ITM GmbH on a suitable portal platform.
Research Funding
Federal Ministry of Education and Research and German Aerospace Center (DLR)
DLR – Funding Code 01RU0014
Additional Information
Ökoradar - Nachhaltigkeit im Internet
Ökolandbau - Das Informationsportal