Sarah Tilscher, M.Sc.

Tel: +49 (89) 289 18184
Raum: 5607.02.053

Research Interests

  • Incremental and interactive static analysis by abstract interpretation
  • Verification of fixpoint algorithms in Isabelle


  • Goblint - A static analyzer using abstract interpretation for analyzing multi-threaded C programs



  • Advanced Concepts of Programming Languages (tutorial): WiSe21, WiSe22, WiSe23
  • Compiler Construction (tutorial): SoSe22, SoSe23
  • The Tyranny of Types: Curse or Blessing (seminar): SoSe22
  • Static Analysis - Tools and Techniques (seminar): WiSe23

Student Theses

If you are interested in doing a student thesis related to the verification of fixpoint algorithms in Isabelle, feel free to reach out. For more information on possible student topics see here.


  • Verification of the Top-Down Solver with Side-Effects in Isabelle (master thesis)
  • Evaluating Variants of the Top-Down Solver with the Modular Fixpoint Library ScalaFix (bachelor thesis)

In Progress:

  • Towards the Verification of Top-Down Solvers (master thesis)


  • Automatic Generation of Test Cases for lncremental Static Analysis (bachelor thesis, 8/23)
  • Visualizing Non-local Static Analysis Results in GobView (bachelor thesis, 8/23)
  • GobView - Making Static Analysis Results Understandable (bachelor thesis, 7/23)
  • Control-Flow Graph Matching for Incremental Static Analysis in Goblint (bachelor thesis, 11/22)
  • Towards Zero-Cost Reanalysis of Programs after Common Refactorings (bachelor thesis, 08/22)