Julian Erhard, M.Sc.

Tel: +49 (89) 289 - 18180
Raum: 5607.02.057


I am contributing to the Goblint static analyzer.


  • Vorkurs Mathematik für Informatiker WS19/20 (Organization)
  • Praktikum: Grundlagen der Programmierung WS19/20 (Exercise Instructor)
  • Vorkurs Mathematik für Informatiker WS20/21 (Organization)
  • Praktikum: Grundlagen der Programmierung WS20/21(Exercise Instructor)
  • Funktionale Programmierung und Verifikation WS21/22 (Exercise Instructor)

Student Theses

If you are interested in doing a student thesis related to static analysis and Goblint, feel free to reach out. For more information on possible student topics see here.


Thu, 01 Aug 2024 01:00:00 +0200

Non-numerical weakly relational domains.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100

2-Pointer Logic.

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100

When to Stop Going Down the Rabbit Hole: Taming Context-Sensitivity on the Fly.

Julian Erhard, Johanna Franziska Schinabeck, Michael Schwarz, Helmut Seidl:
When to Stop Going Down the Rabbit Hole: Taming Context-Sensitivity on the Fly. SOAP@PLDI 2024: 35-44

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100

Goblint Validator: Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation - (Competition Contribution).

Simmo Saan, Julian Erhard, Michael Schwarz, Stanimir Bozhilov, Karoliine Holter, Sarah Tilscher, Vesal Vojdani, Helmut Seidl:
Goblint Validator: Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation - (Competition Contribution). TACAS (3) 2024: 335-340

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100

Goblint: Abstract Interpretation for Memory Safety and Termination - (Competition Contribution).

Simmo Saan, Julian Erhard, Michael Schwarz, Stanimir Bozhilov, Karoliine Holter, Sarah Tilscher, Vesal Vojdani, Helmut Seidl:
Goblint: Abstract Interpretation for Memory Safety and Termination - (Competition Contribution). TACAS (3) 2024: 381-386

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100

Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation.

Simmo Saan, Michael Schwarz, Julian Erhard, Helmut Seidl, Sarah Tilscher, Vesal Vojdani:
Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation. VMCAI (1) 2024: 74-97

Mon, 01 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0100

Non-Numerical Weakly Relational Domains.

Helmut Seidl, Julian Erhard, Sarah Tilscher, Michael Schwarz:
Non-Numerical Weakly Relational Domains. CoRR abs/2401.05165 (2024)

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0100

Clustered Relational Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation with Local Traces.

Michael Schwarz, Simmo Saan, Helmut Seidl, Julian Erhard, Vesal Vojdani:
Clustered Relational Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation with Local Traces. ESOP 2023: 28-58

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0100

When Long Jumps Fall Short: Control-Flow Tracking and Misuse Detection for Non-local Jumps in C.

Michael Schwarz, Julian Erhard, Vesal Vojdani, Simmo Saan, Helmut Seidl:
When Long Jumps Fall Short: Control-Flow Tracking and Misuse Detection for Non-local Jumps in C. SOAP@PLDI 2023: 20-26

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0100

Goblint: Autotuning Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation - (Competition Contribution).

Simmo Saan, Michael Schwarz, Julian Erhard, Manuel Pietsch, Helmut Seidl, Sarah Tilscher, Vesal Vojdani:
Goblint: Autotuning Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation - (Competition Contribution). TACAS (2) 2023: 547-552

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0100

Clustered Relational Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation with Local Traces.

Michael Schwarz, Simmo Saan, Helmut Seidl, Julian Erhard, Vesal Vojdani:
Clustered Relational Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation with Local Traces. CoRR abs/2301.06439 (2023)

Sun, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 +0100

Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation.

Simmo Saan, Michael Schwarz, Julian Erhard, Helmut Seidl, Sarah Tilscher, Vesal Vojdani:
Correctness Witness Validation by Abstract Interpretation. CoRR abs/2310.16572 (2023)

Sat, 01 Jan 2022 00:00:00 +0100

Interactive Abstract Interpretation: Reanalyzing Whole Programs for Cheap.

Julian Erhard, Simmo Saan, Sarah Tilscher, Michael Schwarz, Karoliine Holter, Vesal Vojdani, Helmut Seidl:
Interactive Abstract Interpretation: Reanalyzing Whole Programs for Cheap. CoRR abs/2209.10445 (2022)

Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0100

Improving Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation.

Michael Schwarz, Simmo Saan, Helmut Seidl, Kalmer Apinis, Julian Erhard, Vesal Vojdani:
Improving Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation. SAS 2021: 359-383

Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0100

Goblint: Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation Using Side-Effecting Constraints - (Competition Contribution).

Simmo Saan, Michael Schwarz, Kalmer Apinis, Julian Erhard, Helmut Seidl, Ralf Vogler, Vesal Vojdani:
Goblint: Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation Using Side-Effecting Constraints - (Competition Contribution). TACAS (2) 2021: 438-442

Fri, 01 Jan 2021 00:00:00 +0100

Improving Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation.

Michael Schwarz, Simmo Saan, Helmut Seidl, Kalmer Apinis, Julian Erhard, Vesal Vojdani:
Improving Thread-Modular Abstract Interpretation. CoRR abs/2108.07613 (2021)

Wed, 01 Jan 2020 00:00:00 +0100

Incremental Abstract Interpretation.