
VoxEU article on auctioning airport time slots by Martin Bichler, Peter Cramton, Peter Gritzmann, and Axel Ockenfels. 

Whitepaper on future electricity market design published by the SynErgie Consortium with Martin Bichler, Johannes Knörr, and Felipe Maldonado as co-authors.

Newspaper article on the allocation of airport time slots by Martin Bichler, Peter Cramton, Peter Gritzmann, and Axel Ockenfels in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on December 21, 2020.

Martin Bichler gave a talk in the Nobel Prize Lectures together with Professor Klaus Schmidt organized by the Economics Department at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU).

Call for the ACM SIGMIS Doctoral Dissertation Award is available (Committee Chairs: Baskerville, Bichler, Cecez-Kecmanovic) 

Our joint work (Martin Bichler and Gregor Schwarz) with Paul Milgrom was featured in his Nobel Prize Lecture on December 7. Today also our paper in OR News appeared (in German) discussing the contributions of Paul Milgrom and Bob Wilson and their relationship to Operations Research and the Management Sciences. Several papers of our group are mentioned in the writeup by the Nobel Prize Committee on the scientific background of the award. 

Invited talks by Martin Bichler in online seminars scheduled in spring at Georgia Tech, the University of Dallas, and the ZEW (Mannheim). 

Martin Bichler ranked in the top 0.5% (rank 15) among 3346 scholars in the management sciences in Europe based on the publication ranking of the Wirtschaftswoche in 2020.

As part of the coursework for the Seminar on Data Mining, the student team "Tera Miners" with Michael Gigler, Nikita Makarov, Franziska Röber, and Felix Schramm was announced the Overall Winner of the world finals in the 2020 Teradata Data Challenge. The team "Legendary Data Miners" has received an honorable mention. Congratulations!

Martin Bichler gives an invited talk on Market Design at the Max-Planck-Institute in Bonn on November 16, 2020.