Seminar on Markets, Algorithms, Incentives, and Networks WS23/24

Supervision: Chris DongMatthias Greger and Prof. Felix Brandt


In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in topics at the intersection of economics and computer science, as witnessed by the continued rapid rise of research areas such as algorithmic game theory and computational social choice. This development is due to the emergence of computational networks such as the Internet as well as the need to get a grip on algorithmic questions in economics. In this seminar, we will deal with both the theoretical foundations as well as their computational properties and possible applications.

The seminar will mostly be based on the books Economics and Computation by David C. Parkes and Sven Seuken, which will be available for download (guest key will be published during the overview meeting) for participants of the seminar, and the Handbook of Computational Social Choice, which is freely available as PDF at Cambridge University Press.  

The target audience for this seminar are master students and bachelor students after the 2nd semester.


Visit our overview meeting and tell us that you are interested. More information on the application process is provided in this meeting. In general, students from computer science and mathematics additionally have to use the matching system for the registration.

Time and venue

MAIN Seminar Speaker Date and Time Room Slides
Overview Meeting (Vorbesprechung) Chris/ Matthias June, 22 at 14:00 01.10.033 Slides
First Meeting (Kickoff) Chris/ Matthias  October, 19 at 14:00 01.10.033  
Session 1   tba 01.10.033  
Session 2   tba 01.10.033  
Session 3   tba 01.10.033  

Overview meeting

We will present the contents of the seminar and explain the application procedure. Please note that we do not rank you in the matching tool if you do not adhere to this procedure.


The preferred language for talks and meetings is English.


Participants should be interested in modelling and analyzing interesting problems with mathematical rigor.

Requirements to Pass

  • Attending the talks and active participation in the discussions

  • Giving a talk (30 to 45 min) in English

  • Deliver a handout for your fellow students one week before the talk

  • Read the handouts of your fellow students and send your questions/comments two days before the respective talk

Module Codes

  • IN2107 (Master-Seminar in the Master program Informatik)

  • IN0014 (Seminar in the Bachelor programs Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik)

  • For all other programs: Please check first whether this seminar fits in your curriculum.

Other Resources

  • Feedback guidelines (1) (2) [in addition to what is presented during the first meeting]

Further Literature (available online)


Chris Dong
Room 01.10.039 (Boltzmannstraße/Garching)
Tel.: 089-289-17514

Matthias Greger
Room 01.10.040 (Boltzmannstraße/Garching)