Economics & Computation
Supervision: Prof. Dr. Felix Brandt, Fabian Frank
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in topics at the intersection of economics and computer science, as witnessed by the continued rapid rise of research areas such as algorithmic game theory and computational social choice. This development is due to the emergence of computational networks such as the Internet as well as the need to get a grip on algorithmic questions in economics.
The emphasis in this seminar lies on the independent study of classic economics papers, but also, and in particular, more recent papers from computer science. Among the topics to be covered are matching theory, mechanism design, and voting theory.
Registration (*please read carefully*)
Seats are split up between students from computer science and mathematics. All interested students should attend the overview meeting and fill out this form, describing their background (including relevant courses) and motivation (up to 250 words) as well as 3-5 papers they are interested in. All students additionally have to use their respective matching system for indication of interest. Notifications will be sent out at the mid of March and include assignment of papers and supervisors. Registration in TUMonline will be taken care of by the lecturers; no further action is required. We also offer overview meetings beforehand:
- Tuesday, January 14, 16:00–17.00, Room 01.10.011. Students from the mathematics department should attend this meeting, as the second one is after their registration deadline.
- TBA.
Deadline for applications: January 16, 2025 (11:59pm) for Mathematics students, TBA for Informatics students.
→ Apply
Technical details
The seminar is onsite in Garching. Hence, participation in the seminar requires you to be in Munich in the next semester.
Selection of Articles
H. Aziz, M. Brill, V. Conitzer, E. Elkind, R. Freeman, and T. Walsh. Justified Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting. Social Choice and Welfare, 48(2):461-485, 2017.
F. Brandt, C. Geist, and D. Peters. Optimal bounds for the no-show paradox via SAT solving. Mathematical Social Sciences, 90:18–27, 2017.
F. Brandt, C. Saile, and C. Stricker. Strategyproof social choice when preferences and outcomes may contain ties. Journal of Economic Theory, 202:105447, 2022.
M. Brill, J. Laslier, and P. Skowron. Multiwinner Approval Rules as Apportionment Methods. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 30(3), 358–382, 2018
C. Geist and D. Peters. Computer-aided methods for social choice theory. In U. Endriss, editor, Trends in Computational Social Choice, chapter 13, pages 249–267. AI Access, 2017.
H. Moulin. On strategy-proofness and single peakedness. Public Choice, 35(4):437-455,1980.
D. Peters, G. Pierczynski, and P. Skowron. Proportional participatory budgeting with additive utilities. In Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), pages 12726–12737, 2021.
R. Freeman, D. M. Pennock, D. Peters, and J. W. Vaughan. Truthful aggregation of budget proposals. Journal of Economic Theory, 193:105234, 2021.
F. Brandt and P. Lederer. Characterizing the top cycle via strategyproofness. Theoretical Economics, 18(2):837–883, 2023.
S. Roy, S. Sadhukhan, and A. Sen. Recent results on strategy-proofness of random social choice functions. In Game Theory and Networks. Springer, 2022.
F. Brandl, F. Brandt, M. Eberl, and C. Geist. Proving the incompatibility of efficiency and strategyproofness via SMT solving. Journal of the ACM, 65(2), 2018.
F. Brandl, F. Brandt, and H. G. Seedig. Consistent probabilistic social choice. Econometrica, 84(5):1839–1880, 2016.
P. C. Fishburn. Probabilistic social choice based on simple voting comparisons. Review of Economic Studies, 51(4):683–692, 1984.
P. C. Fishburn. SSB utility theory: An economic perspective. Mathematical Social Sciences, 8(1):63–94, 1984.
F. Brandt, M. Matthäus, and C. Saile. Minimal voting paradoxes. Journal of Theoretical Politics, 34(4):527–551, 2022.
F. Echenique, N. Immorlica, and V. V. Vazirani. Two-sided markets: Stable matching. In Online and Matching-Based Market Design. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
F. Echenique, N. Immorlica, and V. V. Vazirani. One-sided matching markets. In Online and Matching-Based Market Design. Cambridge University Press, 2023.
A. Bogomolnaia and H. Moulin. A new solution to the random assignment problem. Journal of Economic Theory, 100(2):295–328, 2001.
S. Bouveret and M. Lemaître. Characterizing conflicts in fair division of indivisible goods using a scale of criteria. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, 30:259–290, 2016.
A. D. Procaccia. Cake cutting algorithms. In Handbook of Computational Social Choice. Cambridge University Press, 2016.
A. Cseh. Popular matchings. In U. Endriss, editor, Trends in Computational Social Choice, chapter 6. AI Access, 2017.
F. Brandt and A. Wilczynski. On the convergence of swap dynamics to Pareto-optimal matchings. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 80:1063–1098, 2024.
D. Kurokawa, A. D. Procaccia, and J. Wang. Fair enough: Guaranteeing approximate maximin shares. Journal of the ACM, 65(2), 2018.
A. E. Roth, T. Sönmez, and M. U. Ünver. Pairwise kidney exchange. Journal of Economic Theory, 125:151-188, 2005.
H. Aziz, F. Brandl, F. Brandt, P. Harrenstein, M. Olsen, and D. Peters. Fractional hedonic games. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 7(2), 2019.
H. Aziz, F. Brandt, and P. Harrenstein. Pareto optimality in coalition formation. Games and Economic Behavior, 82:562–581, 2013.
A. Bogomolnaia and M. O. Jackson. The stability of hedonic coalition structures. Games and Economic Behavior, 38(2):201–230, 2002.
J. Hajdukovà. Coalition formation games: A survey. International Game Theory Review, 8(4):613–641, 2006.
Other resources
- Feedback guidelines (1) (2) [in addition to what is presented during the first meeting]
- Overview meeting slides
IN2107 (Master-Seminar in the Master program Informatik)
IN0014 (Seminar in the Bachelor programs Informatik, Wirtschaftsinformatik)
For all other programs: Please check first whether this seminar fits in your curriculum. For example, mathematics students should find it listed as a mathematics seminar, too.