Lukas Gosch
Technical University of Munich
Department of Informatics - I26
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Room: 00.11.065
Phone: +49 89 / 289-18581
E-Mail: lukas.gosch [at] tum [dot] de
Personal Webpage:
Twitter: @lukgosch
GitHub: @saper0
Google Scholar
Research Focus
- Adversarial Robustness of Deep (Graph) Learning
- Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning
- Machine Learning for Graphs
Research Experience
- 2022 - now: PhD Student at TU Munich
- 2020 - 2021: Master's Thesis at the Austrian Institute of Technology, Integrated Transport Optimization Group
- 2019 - 2020: Research Intern at IST Austria, Machine Learning and Computer Vision Group
- 2018: Research Intern at Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms & Scientific Computing, Numerical Data Driven Prediction Research Group
- 2017: Research Intern at Queen's University Belfast
- 2018 - 2021: M.Sc. Computational Science at University of Vienna (GPA: 1.0; 1=best 5=worst)
- 2013 - 2017: B.Sc. Physics at Vienna University of Technology
Academic Honors and Awards
- 2021: Price for the best Master's Thesis by the Austrian Society for Operations Research
- 2020: Performance Scholarship University of Vienna