
Christian Feiler wurde für seine herausragende Masterarbeit "Vectorizing Software for Machine Learning" mit dem Pelkhoven-Preis geehrt. Die Arbeit leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag wie Programme so dargestellt werden können, um effizient und effektiv von künstlicher Intelligenz analysiert werden zu…

Severin Kacianka successfully defended his thesis on Accountability for Socio-Technical Systems.

Our paper on using Text- and Image-Based ML to predict code quality received the Best Paper Award at the Software Quality Days!

Wir möchten Sie hiermit herzlich zur Abschlusskonferenz unseres BMBF-Projekts „Inverse Transparenz – Beteiligungsorientierte Ansätze für Datensouveränität in der digitalen Arbeitswelt gestalten“ einladen. Transparente Arbeitswelten nachhaltig gestalten: Wie wir Datensouveränität stärken und neue…

Machine learning has emerged as a useful tool to aid software quality control. It can support identifying problematic code snippets or predicting maintenance efforts. The majority of these frameworks rely on code metrics as input. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04115-0_4

Some studies provide evidence that humans could actively exploit the alleged technological advantages of autonomous vehicles (AVs). This implies that humans may tend to interact differently with AVs as compared to human driven vehicles (HVs) with the knowledge that AVs are programmed to be…

This study develops a comparative, sociotechnical design perspective for interdisciplinary teams of social scientists and computer scientists. Sociotechnical design refers to identifying both technical and governance challenges and to understanding the ways in which the two types of problems affect…

Causal models allow us to reconstruct traffic accidents, predict the likelihood of future accidents and implement counter measures to prevent them. For drivers with impairments like visual field loss, naturalistic data on crash causes is however scarce due to their current prohibition to drive.…

The meaning of accountability in a technical system depends on the exact context and the desired characteristics. In general, it denotes the desire to limit an actor’s (mis-)use of power by making actions transparent, link them to the actor, threaten the actor with consequences, and thus deter…

Software protection in practice addresses the yearly loss of tens of billion USD for software manufacturers, a result of malicious end-users tampering with the software (”software cracking”). Software protection is prevalent in the gaming and license checking industries, and also relevant in the…