Dr. Zhongliang Jiang

Picture of Zhongliang Jiang

Dr. rer. nat. Zhongliang Jiang

Informatics 16 - Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (Prof. Navab)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

room : 03.13.041

Demonstrations and Personal Web Links


  • 15 Aug (2024): Serves as an Associate Editor for ICRA2025
  • 03 July (2024): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
  • 20 Jun (2024): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
  • 21 May (2024): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  • 02 Jan (2024): 1 paper accepted by Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems
  • Dec (2023): Will co-organize a workshop on 2nd Robotic-Assisted Medical Imaging at ICRA2024, May, Yokohama, Japan
  • 21 Dec (2023): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  • 21 Nov (2023): 1 paper accepted by The International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR
  • 11 Oct (2023): MICCAI 2023 "Best paper Runner up" award for "MI-SegNet" paper
  • 01 Sep (2023): Serves as an Associate Editor for ICRA2024
  • 01 Aug (2023): 1 paper accepted by Medical Image Analysis
  • 23 Jun (2023): 1 paper accepted by MICCAI2023
  • 22 Jun (2023): 1 paper accepted by  Medical Image Analysis
  • 21 Jun (2023): 2 paper accepted by IROS2023
  • 09 May (2023): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 
  • 08 May (2023): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
  • Dec (2022): Will co-organize a workshop on Robotic-Assisted Medical Imaging at ICRA2023, May, London
  • 18 Oct (2022): successfully defended doctoral thesis with the highest distinction "summa cum laude"
  • 08 Aug (2022): 1 paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
  • 24 Apr (2022): 1 paper directly accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • 18 Apr (2022): 1 paper directly accepted by IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • 30 Jun (2021): 1 paper accepted IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (presented at IROS2021)
  • 23 Jun (2021): 1 paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  • 28 Feb (2021): 1 paper accepted to ICRA2021
  • 21 Oct (2020): 1 paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  • 30 May (2020): 1 paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics
  • 07 Jan (2020): 1 paper accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (presented at ICRA2020)
  • 03 Oct (2018): Join CAMP

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Zhongliang Jiang is a senior research scientist and is leading the Robotics and Ultrasound team (RobUSt) at the Chair of Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP). He received his Ph.D. in computer sciences with the highest distinction, “summa cum laude” at TUM. Dr. Jiang has co-authored over 40 publications in top-tier journals and conferences in the field of both robotics and medical imaging, including IJRR, MedIA, ARCRAS, TIE, TASE, TIM, TMRB, ICRA, IROS, and MICCAI. He won the award of the Best Paper Runner-up at MICCAI 2023. He is also one of the founders and main organizers of the series workshop on robot-assisted medical imaging (RAMI) at ICRA2023 and ICRA2024 and served as an associate editor for ICRA. 

  • 03.2022 - now: senior research scientist
  • 10/2018 - 10.2022: Ph.D. student at CAMP, TUM
  • 01/2017 - 06/2018: Research Assistant, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), China
  • 09/2014 - 01/2017: M. Eng, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), China


  • 2023         Best Paper Runner up of MICCAI 2023 (3 out of 2253 submissions
  • 2022         summa cum laude (highest distinction) for Ph.D. thesis
  • 2017         Excellent Master Graduate (Gold medal for master’s thesis, HIT Shenzhen)
  • 2016         Best Student Paper Award Finalist (RCAR2016)

Research Interests

  • Medical Robotics: automatic robotic ultrasound acquisition and diagnosis system
  • Image Processing: RGB-D camera image processing, surface registration, ultrasound imaging segmentation, multi-modality image registration
  • Robotic Learning: reinforcement learning, inverse reinforcement learning, imitation learning to learn operation skills form doctors
  • Robotic Control: MPC, shared control, Human-Robot Interaction, fuzzy control to ensure safety and accomplish complex medical tasks

Professional Services

§   Editor of journals and conferences, including:

  • Associate Editor of IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2024, ICRA2025)
  • Guest Editor of a special issue of “AI Technologies and Applications in Medical Robots” in the journal of CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology

§   Organizer of international events, including:

§   Reviewer of international funding programs, including:

  • Canada Foundation for Innovation 2023
  • fwf österreichischer wissenschaftsfonds (Austrian Science Fund)

§   Reviewer of journals and conferences, including:

  • Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communication, TRO, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, TASE, TMECH, TIE, RAL, TBME, TIM, TUFFC, TMRB,  IEEE Sensors Journal, ijmrcas
  • ICRA 2015-2016, 2020-2023; 
  • IROS 2017, 2021-2023

Student Projects

If you are looking for an IDP, guided research or Master thesis around these topics please contact me.

Topic 1: Ultrasound Image Segmentation using Latent Information

Topic 2: Learning from Demonstrations: Automatic Robotic Ultrasound scanning

Topic 3: Intelligent human-robotic shared control

Topic 4: Transverse artery segmentation and peripheral arterial disease assessment

Topic 5: Atlas-based Optimal Scanning Trajectory for Robotic US imaging Based on Deep Learning

Topic 6: Non-rigid Ultrasound and CT Registration based on Skeleton Feature

Topic 7: The Needle Detection and Reconstruction Based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Topic 8: Sensor-less 3D Ultrasound Imaging Reconstruction using deep learning framework

Here is a list of current and previously supervised projects:

Year Type Topic By Status
2023 Master's Thesis Free-hand 3D ultrasound reconstruction Z. Chen ongoing
2023 Master's Thesis Enhancing Needle Tip Detection using Motion Magnification Algorithms C. Li Submitted to a conference
2023 Master's Thesis needle segmentation in 2D ultrasound using deep learning H. Jiang Finished
2023 Lab project Autonomous Path Planning for Intercostal Robotic Ultrasound Imaging using Reinforcement Learning C. Qian Submitted to a journal
2023 Master's Thesis Segmentation of Bone Surface Ultrasound Images Y. Kang Submitted to a journal
2023 Master's Thesis Robotic Ultrasound Servoing for Smart Probe Positioning X. Li Submitted to a journal
2023 Guided research Thoracic Cartilage Ultrasound-CT Registration using Dense Skeleton Graph C. Li Accepted in IROS23
2022 Master's Thesis Autonomous Screening and Diagnosis of Limb Artery Tree F. Duelmer. Published in IEEE TASE
2022 Master's Thesis Stiffness-based US and CT Registration for Optimal Scanning Trajectory C. Zhang Published in IEEE RAL
2022 Master's Thesis Learning-based deformation correction for robotic US imaging  Y. Zhou Published in MedIA
2021 Master's Thesis Markerless Motion Capture for Reactive Robotic US N. Danis Published in IEEE TIM
2021 Master's Thesis Reward Learning from Few Demonstrations towards Standard Ultrasound Scan Planes Y. Bi Published in IJRR
2021 Lab project Deformation-Aware Robotic 3D Ultrasound Y. Zhou Published in RAL-IROS2021
2020 Master's Thesis Vision-based Robotic Ultrasound for Three-dimensional Imaging of Blood Vessels using RGB-D Camera H. Wang Published in ICRA2021
2020 Master's Thesis Autonomous Robotic Screening of Tubular Structures Z. Li Published in IEEE TIE
2020 Bachelor's Thesis Fuzzy Force Controller for Robotic Ultrasound M. Shi Finished


Publications (the full list can be found in Google Scholar)

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  • Bi, Yuan; Jiang, Zhongliang; Duelmer, Felix; Huang, Dianye; Navab, Nassir: Machine Learning in Robotic Ultrasound Imaging: Challenges and Perspectives. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 7 (1), 2024, 335-357 more…
  • Bi, Yuan; Jiang, Zhongliang; Duelmer, Felix; Huang, Dianye; Navab, Nassir: Machine Learning in Robotic Ultrasound Imaging: Challenges and Perspectives. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems 7 (1), 2024 more…
  • Huang, Dianye; Yang, Chenguang; Zhou, Mingchuan; Karlas, Angelos; Navab, Nassir; Jiang, Zhongliang: Robot-Assisted Deep Venous Thrombosis Ultrasound Examination Using Virtual Fixture. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024, 1-12 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Bi, Yuan; Zhou, Mingchuan; Hu, Ying; Burke, Michael; Navab, Nassir: Intelligent robotic sonographer: Mutual information-based disentangled reward learning from few demonstrations. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 2024 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Bi, Yuan; Zhou, Mingchuan; Hu, Ying; Burke, Michael; Navab, Nassir: Intelligent robotic sonographer: Mutual information-based disentangled reward learning from few demonstrations. The International Journal of Robotics Research 43 (7), 2024, 981-1002 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Duelmer, Felix; Navab, Nassir: DopUS-Net: Quality-Aware Robotic Ultrasound Imaging Based on Doppler Signal. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 21 (3), 2024, 3229-3242 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Kang, Yunfeng; Bi, Yuan; Li, Xuesong; Li, Chenyang; Navab, Nassir: Class-Aware Cartilage Segmentation for Autonomous US-CT Registration in Robotic Intercostal Ultrasound Imaging. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024, 1-13 more…
  • Li, Jun; Su, Tongkun; Zhao, Baoliang; Lv, Faqin; Wang, Qiong; Navab, Nassir; Hu, Ying; Jiang, Zhongliang: Ultrasound Report Generation with Cross-Modality Feature Alignment via Unsupervised Guidance. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2024, 1-1 more…
  • Wang, Cheng; Guo, Li; Zhu, Jianjun; Zhu, Lifeng; Li, Chichi; Zhu, Haidong; Song, Aiguo; Lu, Ligong; Teng, Gao-Jun; Navab, Nassir; Jiang, Zhongliang: Review of robotic systems for thoracoabdominal puncture interventional surgery. APL Bioengineering 8 (2), 2024 more…
  • Wang, Fanghao; Zhang, Youchao; Jin, Daoyuan; Jiang, Zhongliang; Liu, Yaqian; Knoll, Alois; Jiang, Huanyu; Ying, Yibin; Zhou, Mingchuan: Magnetic Soft Microrobot Design for Cell Grasping and Transportation. Cyborg and Bionic Systems 5, 2024 more…


  • Bi, Yuan; Jiang, Zhongliang; Clarenbach, Ricarda; Ghotbi, Reza; Karlas, Angelos; Navab, Nassir: MI-SegNet: Mutual Information-Based US Segmentation for Unseen Domain Generalization. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
  • Bi, Yuan; Jiang, Zhongliang; Clarenbach, Ricarda; Ghotbi, Reza; Karlas, Angelos; Navab, Nassir: MI-SegNet: Mutual Information-Based US Segmentation for Unseen Domain Generalization. In: MICCAI. Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 more…
  • Huang, Dianye; Bi, Yuan; Navab, Nassir; Jiang, Zhongliang: Motion Magnification in Robotic Sonography: Enabling Pulsation-Aware Artery Segmentation. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2023 more…
  • Huang, Dianye; Bi, Yuan; Navab, Nassir; Jiang, Zhongliang: Motion Magnification in Robotic Sonography: Enabling Pulsation-Aware Artery Segmentation. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2023 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Li, Chenyang; Lil, Xuesong; Navab, Nassir: Thoracic Cartilage Ultrasound-CT Registration Using Dense Skeleton Graph. 2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), IEEE, 2023 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Li, Xuesong; Zhang, Chenyu; Bi, Yuan; Stechele, Walter; Navab, Nassir: Skeleton Graph-Based Ultrasound-CT Non-Rigid Registration. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 8 (8), 2023, 4394-4401 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Salcudean, Septimiu E.; Navab, Nassir: Robotic ultrasound imaging: State-of-the-art and future perspectives. Medical Image Analysis 89, 2023, 102878 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Zhou, Yue; Cao, Dongliang; Navab, Nassir: DefCor-Net: Physics-aware ultrasound deformation correction. Medical Image Analysis 90, 2023, 102923 more…
  • Ning, Guochen; Liang, Hanyin; Jiang, Zhongliang; Zhang, Hui; Liao, Hongen: The potential of 'Segment Anything' (SAM) for universal intelligent ultrasound image guidance. BioScience Trends 17 (3), 2023, 230-233 more…
  • Zhou, Mingchuan; Guo, Xiangyu; Grimm, Matthias; Lochner, Elias; Jiang, Zhongliang; Eslami, Abouzar; Ye, Juan; Navab, Nassir; Knoll, Alois; Nasseri, Mohammad Ali: Needle detection and localisation for robot‐assisted subretinal injection using deep learning. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology, 2023 more…
  • Zhou, Mingchuan; Hennerkes, Felix; Liu, Jingsong; Jiang, Zhongliang; Wendler, Thomas; Nasseri, M. Ali; Iordachita, Iulian; Navab, Nassir: Theoretical error analysis of spotlight-based instrument localization for retinal surgery. Robotica 41 (5), 2023, 1536-1549 more…
  • Zhou, Mingchuan; Hennerkes, Felix; Liu, Jingsong; Jiang, Zhongliang; Wendler, Thomas; Nasseri, M. Ali; Iordachita, Iulian; Navab, Nassir: Theoretical error analysis of spotlight-based instrument localization for retinal surgery. Robotica 41 (5), 2023, 1536-1549 more…


  • Bi, Yuan; Jiang, Zhongliang; Gao, Yuan; Wendler, Thomas; Karlas, Angelos; Navab, Nassir: VesNet-RL: Simulation-Based Reinforcement Learning for Real-World US Probe Navigation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (3), 2022, 6638-6645 more…
  • Chen, Lienhung; Jiang, Zhongliang; Cheng, Long; Knoll, Alois C.; Zhou, Mingchuan: Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Trajectory Planning Under Uncertain Constraints. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 16, 2022 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Danis, Nehil; Bi, Yuan; Zhou, Mingchuan; Kroenke, Markus; Wendler, Thomas; Navab, Nassir: Precise Repositioning of Robotic Ultrasound: Improving Registration-Based Motion Compensation Using Ultrasound Confidence Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 2022, 1-11 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Gao, Yuan; Xie, Le; Navab, Nassir: Towards Autonomous Atlas-Based Ultrasound Acquisitions in Presence of Articulated Motion. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (3), 2022, 7423-7430 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Li, Zhenyu; Grimm, Matthias; Zhou, Mingchuan; Esposito, Marco; Wein, Wolfgang; Stechele, Walter; Wendler, Thomas; Navab, Nassir: Autonomous Robotic Screening of Tubular Structures Based Only on Real-Time Ultrasound Imaging Feedback. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (7), 2022, 7064-7075 more…


  • Jiang, Z.; Wang, H.; Li, Z.; Grimm, M.; Zhou, M.; Eck, U.; Brecht, S. V.; Lueth, T. C.; Wendler, T.; Navab, N.: Motion-Aware Robotic 3D Ultrasound. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2021 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Grimm, Matthias; Zhou, Mingchuan; Hu, Ying; Esteban, Javier; Navab, Nassir: Automatic Force-Based Probe Positioning for Precise Robotic Ultrasound Acquisition. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (11), 2021, 11200-11211 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Zhou, Yue; Bi, Yuan; Zhou, Mingchuan; Wendler, Thomas; Navab, Nassir: Deformation-Aware Robotic 3D Ultrasound. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (4), 2021, 7675-7682 more…


  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Grimm, Matthias; Zhou, Mingchuan; Esteban, Javier; Simson, Walter; Zahnd, Guillaume; Navab, Nassir: Automatic Normal Positioning of Robotic Ultrasound Probe Based Only on Confidence Map Optimization and Force Measurement. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5 (2), 2020, 1342-1349 more…
  • Jiang, Zhongliang; Lei, Long; Sun, Yu; Qi, Xiaozhi; Hu, Ying; Li, Bing; Navab, Nassir; Zhang, Jianwei: Model-Based Compensation of Moving Tissue for State Recognition in Robotic-Assisted Pedicle Drilling. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics 2 (3), 2020, 463-473 more…