Realtime Computer Graphics (IN0038, IN0039)

 Prof. Dr. Rüdiger WestermannChristoph Neuhauser

Time, Place: Mondays 12:00 - 13:30, IHS2;
Thursdays 12:00-13:30, Hörsaal im Galileo (8120.EG.001);
Begin: Thursday, April 18., 2024 in Hörsaal im Galileo (8120.EG.001);
Prerequisites: none


This lecture is open to all CS and I:GE students. It's the introduction to computer graphics.

Both the lecture (IN0038) and the practical (IN0039) will be held in English. Check the course moodle for all information concerning this lecture.

Only the Monday lecture will be streamed via rgb-live. 

Information about the exams and retakes will be announced later.