Dr. Marie-Lena Eckert
This website is no longer updated (July 2017). Have a look at our new games engineering website or at my LinkedIn profile!
I am part of the group around Prof. Nils Thuerey. My current research topic is reconstructing both 3D volume and 3D motion of real fluid phenomena with only a single 2D input video. Previously, I was working on separating boundary conditions for liquids based on convex optimization methods.
Topics of Research: fluid simulation, fluid capture, fluid tracking, convex optimization, numeric solvers, neural networks
I am organizing the exercises for the lecture "Deep Learning and Numerical Simulations for Visual Effects" and I have been supervising Bachelor's and Master's Theses, see below.
Recent Publications

A Primal-Dual Optimization for Fluids
T. Inglis*, M.-L. Eckert*, J. Gregson, N. Thuerey
Published in Computer Graphics Forum
[Bibtex] [Video]
Talks and Posters
"3D Reconstruction of Volume and Velocity of Real Fluid Phenomena Based on a Single Camera View", invited talk, Prof. Matthias Teschner - Computer Graphics, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg, May 2017
"Reconstructing Volume and Motion from Real Fluid Phenomena with a Minimal Number of Camera Views", poster presentation, KAUST Research Conference: Visual Computing - Modeling and Reconstruction, April 2017
"Primal-Dual Optimization for Fluids", conference talk, Eurographics, April 2017
Computers & Graphics Journal
- Summer 2017: Deep Learning and Numerical Simulations for VFX
- Summer 2016: Simulation for VFX
- Summer 2015: Simulation for VFX
Supervised Theses
"GPU-accelerated Stochastic Tomography for 3D Volume Reconstruction of Real Fluid Phenomena" - Tobias Kammerer, Master's Thesis, 2017 (in progress)
"Optimized Volume Reconstruction for Fluids with Non-Linear Lighting Models" - Tobias Gottwald, Master's Thesis, 2017
"Experimental Capture of Smoke and Evaluation of Volume Reconstruction Algorithms" - Florian Reichhold, Master's Thesis, 2016
"Reconstruction of Fluid Volumes Based on Stochastic Tomography" - Dominik Dechamps, Master's Thesis, 2016
"Modeling 3D Fluid Volumes Based on Appearance Transfer" - Christoph Pölt, Master's Thesis, 2015