Camera Augmented Mobile C-arm (CAMC)
Contact Persons
Matthias Seibold (matthias.seibold(at)
Tianyu Song (
Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab
The basic motivation for proposing the Camera-Augmented Mobile C-arm (CAMC) is to enable a mobile C-arm itself to provide 3D reconstruction results. Our research covers topics such as X-Ray calibration, advanced AR visualizations through co-registration of RGB and X-Ray images, intra-operative navigation of surgical tools, 3D CBCT reconstruction, panoramic X-Ray image stitching, 3D3D calibration for CBCT and RGBD data, radiation estimation and many more. In the last two decades, over 60 papers on Camera Augmented Mobile C-arm have been published. The project website page provides a more detailed description:
Keywords: Medical Imaging, Computer-Aided Surgery, Medical Augmented Reality

Research Partners
Prof. Dr. Philipp Fürnstahl’s ROCS group at Balgrist Hospital, Zurich
Project Members
Matthias Seibold
Tianyu Song
Dr. Javad Fotouhi
Dr. Alex Johnson, M.D.
Dr. Greg Osgood, M.D.