Richard Milbradt, M.Sc.

Technische Universität München

TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching

Office: SAP MUE03.B1.05
Mail: r.milbradt (at)

Office Hours: by arrangement


  • 2022-present: PhD candidate, Technical University of Munich, Munich Quantum Valley K8-HAT (Hardware Adapted Theory)
  • 2023-present: Administration of the BMBF-Project "Quantenträume" for the PushQuantum e.V.
  • 2019-2021: M.Sc.Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and Technical University of Munich
  • 2016-2019: B.Sc. Physics, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Research Interests

  • Quantum many-body physics
  • Tensor Networks
  • Quantum Cellular Automata
  • Open Quantum Systems
  • Science Communication of Quantum Physics


  • Tutorial: Tensor Networks - SoSe 2022, SoSe2023, SoSe2024
  • Tutorial: Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung - WiSe22/23, WiSe23/24
  • Tutorial: Circuit Simulation - SoSe 2024
  • Seminar: Advanced Topics of Quantum Computing - SoSe 2022, WiSe22/23, Sose2023, WiSe23/24, SoSe2024
  • Seminar: High Dimensional Methods in Scientific Computing - SoSe2023

Student Projects

Open Student Projects

Topics change with my ongoing work and depend mostly on the interests and experience of the student. Therefore, it is always helpfull to contact me to discuss potential thesis topics.

Running Student Projects

  • Madhav Menon: Bachelor's Thesis on the HOPS Method with Fermionic Environments
  • Pouriya Haji Ghadimi: Master's Thesis exploring Tree Tensor Network Time-Evolution Algorithms
  • Pedro Muñoz Jimenez: Guided Research to improve the Quantum Gauge Network Ansatz for Many-Body Quantum Systems
  • Benjamin Decker: Master's thesis in the Implementation of Invariant Rules of the Quantum Game of Life
  • Benedict Blaschko: Bachelor's Thesis on Comparing Bath Correlation Function Decomposition Algorithms
  • Taha Zaffar Syed: Master's Thesis on the DAMPF algorithm for non-Markovian quantum systems

Completed Student Projects


  • Richard M. Milbradt; Qunsheng Huang; Christian B. Mendl: State diagrams to determine tree tensor network operators. SciPost Physics Core 7, 2024, 036 more…
  • Richard Maximilian Milbradt; Lisa Scheller; Christopher Aßmus; Christian Mendl: Ternary Unitary Quantum Lattice Models and Circuits in 2+1 Dimensions. Physical Review Letters (130), 2023, 090601 more…



  • Richard M. Milbradt, Hazar Çakır, Christian B. Mendl: State Diagrams and Tree Tensor Networks. Workshop: Recent progress on tensor network methods 2024 more…
  • Richard M. Milbradt, Qunsheng Huang, Christian B. Mendl: State Diagrams and Tree Tensor Networks. IQTN 4th Plenary Meeting, 2024 more…


  • Richard M. Milbradt; Benjamin Sappler, Christian B. Mendl: Hierarchy of Pure States and Tree Tensor Networks. IQTN 3rd Plenary Meeting, 2023Raitenhaslach, Germany more…


  • R. M. Milbradt, L. Scheller, C. Aßmus, C. B. Mendl: Ternary unitary quantum lattice models and circuits in 2+1 dimensions. Munich Conference on QST 2022 2022 more…
  • R. M. Milbradt, L. Scheller, C. Aßmus, C. B. Mendl: Solvable states for ternary-unitary gates. DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section 2022 2022 more…