Coupled Problems / Multi-Physics Simulations

If you are looking here, you are probably already familiar with numerical simulations. But did you ever wonder: can we couple different simulations to get answers to more complex physical problems? Our answer to that is: yes, we can. And we can do it flexibly, efficiently, and with sustainable software developed by a team of people like you, many of which started by doing a thesis or other student project.

The coupling library preCICE

preCICE is an open-source coupling library for partitioned multi-physics simulations developed here at TUM and at the University of Stuttgart (SGS and US3). Fields of application include, but are not restricted to, fluid-structure interaction, conjugate heat transfer, fluid-fluid multimodel coupling, electrohydrodynamics, and more. Have a look at these community stories for some example use cases.

The library offers methods for equation coupling, communication, and data mapping. Users can directly use the library in their projects with well known commercial and open-source solvers, including OpenFOAM, SU2, CalculiX, code_aster, FEniCS, deal.ii, Ansys FLUENT, and COMSOL, using existing adapters. New adapters, e.g. for in-house codes, can be implemented and validated in only a few weeks.

For more information, have a look at or check out the source code on GitHub.

How to start

It is easy to startget preCICE on your system and run a tutorial.

If you want to quickly learn about preCICE, you may prefer our interactive slides from the OpenFOAM Workshop 2020, or our web-based tutorial.

Open student projects

There are always open projects, whether you are a computer science, CSE, MSE, or math student. Since recently, also projects with industrial partners are on the agenda.

You can also find potential open projects in our GitHub issues.


  • Marc Amorós Trepat: Time stepping review of open-source solvers. Studien thesis, 2024 more…
  • Niklas Vinnitchenko: Evaluation of Higher-Order Coupling Schemes with FEniCS-preCICE. Bachelor thesis, 2024 more…


  • Philip Hildebrand: Extending the FEniCSx Adapter for the Coupling Library preCICE. Bachelor thesis, 2023 more…
  • Tina Vladimirova: Design, implementation, and validation of a volume coupling extension for the OpenFOAM-preCICE adapter. IDP-Arbeit, 2023 more…


  • Boris Guillaume Martin: Robust and Efficient Barycentric Cell-Interpolation for Volumetric Coupling with preCICE. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Markus Mühlhäußer: Partitioned flow simulations with preCICE and OpenFOAM. Master thesis, 2022 more…
  • Muhammad Arslan Ansari: 1D-3D Partitioned FSI Simulations of Elastic Tubes. Master thesis, 2022 more…


  • Hisham Saeed: Elmer Adapter for preCICE. Master thesis, 2021 more…


  • Francisco Javier Espinosa Pelaez: A flexible approach to 2D-3D coupling of a Shallow-Water Equation solver to OpenFOAM. Master thesis, 2020 more…
  • Ishaan Desai: Geometric Aspects of Code Coupling in Magnetic Fusion Applications. Master thesis, 2020 more…


  • Dominik Volland: Coupling TherMoS with preCICE. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Qunsheng Huang: Loose Coupling of Isolated Rotorblade Rotorcraft CFD/CSD Simulations using preCICE. Master thesis, 2019 more…
  • Richard Hertrich: Partitioned Fluid Structure Interaction: Coupling FEniCS and OpenFOAM via preCICE. Bachelor thesis, 2019 more…


  • Alexandre Trujillo Boqué: Structural multi-model coupling with CalculiX and preCICE. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Andreas Reiser: Extending a CFD Lab Course by a preCICE Conjugate Heat Transfer Tutorial. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Hasan Ashraf; Pei-Hsuan Huang; Felix Lachenmaier; Kirill Martynov; Dmytro Sashko; Jan Sültemeyer: Interactive preCICE Online Tutorial. Projekt thesis, 2018 more…
  • Richard Hertrich: MSE-Forschungspraktikum: Aktualisierung des preCICE-Fluent Adapters. Studien thesis, 2018 more…


  • Gerasimos Chourdakis: A general OpenFOAM adapter for the coupling library preCICE. Master thesis, 2017 more…


  • Cheung Yau, Lucia: Conjugate Heat Transfer with the Multiphysics Coupling Library preCICE. Master's thesis, 2016 more…
  • Rusch, Alexander: Extending SU2 to Fluid-Structure Interaction via preCICE. Bachelor's thesis, 2016 more…


  • Farcas, Ionut-Gabriel: High Dimensional Uncertainty Quantification of Fluid-Structure Interaction. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Mikerov, Viacheslav: A Fixed-Grid Flow Solver for Fluid-Structure Interaction with the Coupling Library preCICE. Master's thesis, 2015 more…
  • Rusch, Alexander: Machbarkeitsanalyse zur Fluid-Struktur-Interaktionsfähigkeit des CFD-Codes SU2. Studien thesis/SEP/IDP, 2015 more…
  • Scheufele, Klaudius: Robust Quasi-Newton Methods for Partitioned Fluid-Structure Simulations. Master's thesis, 2015 more…
  • Shukaev, Alexander K.: A Fully Parallel Process-to-Process Intercommunication Technique for preCICE. Master's thesis, 2015 more…


You may find more concrete projects on our web pages:

In any case, if you are interested in a student project with preCICE, don't hesitate to write to one of us. Please include a few words about your motivation and experience with simulations. If you enjoyed courses such as the "CFD Lab" or the "Seminar: Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction", then you are definitely in the right place!