Augmented Presentation

Scientific Director: Gudrun Klinker
Contact Person(s): Marcus Tönnis
Start: | 2004/06/01 |
End: | 2008/10/01 |
Keywords: 3D Information Presentation, 3D Interaction
This project aggregates various independent subprojects to generate base technology for seamless integration of well know desktop metaphors into virtual environments as well as intuitive interaction metaphors.
The window-into-a-virtual-world is a project to extend an existing 3D visualization tool to support Powerwall-, CAVE-environments and ART Tracking devices.
The XinCave integrates the data represented from a X-Server on display into CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment). The data is to be represented as a texture mapped onto object(e.g. plane) in the virtual space. So the user can see a virtual desktop, placed somewhere in the virtual world. In a future SEP this desktop have to be made able to response to user interaction directly in the CAVE.
Contact Person(s)

Working Group

Technische Universität München
Institut für Informatik / I16
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München
Tel.: +49 89 289-17058
Fax: +49 89 289-17059
Please contact Marcus Tönnis for available student projects within this research project.