Benjamin Rodenberg, M.Sc. (hons)
Technical University of Munich
TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Office: MI 02.05.042
Mail: benjamin.rodenberg (at) my public key (OpenPGP)
Tel: +49-89-289-18639 (usually easier to reach me via email)
ORCid: 0000-0002-3116-0133
Other pages: arXiv, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, GitHub
I'm also known as Benjamin Rüth
- Doctoral candidate, TUM Graduate School - CeDoSIA
- Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at TUM SCCS (Juli 2017 - June 2022 & November 2023 - November 2024)
- M.Sc. (hons) in Computational Science and Engineering and member of Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering, Technical University of Munich, 2017
- B.Sc. in Engineering Science, Technical University of Munich, 2014
Research interests
- Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)
- Multiphysics, blackbox coupling
- Multiscale simulation
- Time integration schemes (multirate, parallel, coupled)
- Research software engineering, software sustainability
Student Projects
Open student projects
Topics change with my ongoing work and depend mostly on the interests and experience of the student. It is best to contact me directly if you are interested in a thesis or student project. Here is a list of topics I am interested in:
- (More or less) everything connected to preCICE, especially development of fenics-precice adapter and fluent-precice adapter code
- Multiphysics (e.g. fluid-structure interaction, conjugate heat transport)
- Multiscale in time
- Time integration methods
- Computational fluid dynamics
- Finite element method with FEniCS
- Using FEniCS for FSI (see this paper)
- Other coupled phenomena besides the usual suspects FSI and CHT
- Coupled thermal simulation for space missions (in cooperation with LRT @ TUM Mechanical Engineering)
Running Student Projects
- Niklas Vinnitchenko is working on improvments for the MATLAB bindings of preCICE and develops tutorials
- Tobias Eppacher is researching on the use of parallel-in-time time stepping algorithms with preCICE
Past student projects
- Marc Amorós Trepat did convergence studies for higher-order time stepping schemes of OpenFOAM, CalculiX, and a coupled simulation of OpenFOAM + CalculiX.
- Niklas Vinnitchenko developed a tutorial for higher-order coupling of the partitioned heat equation with FEniCS and preCICE.
- Nikola Wullenweber worked on automated quality analysis of black-box models for her IDP (interdisciplinary project).
- Hisham Saeed developed a first prototype and corresponding test scenarios for the Elmer adapter for preCICE during his master thesis.
- Nikola Wullenweber worked on solving different problems in FEniCS using higher-order time stepping schemes for her bachelor thesis.
- Ishaan Desai worked on the FEniCS adapter and the Fluent adapter for preCICE and its python bindings.
- Moritz Gnisia was a student assistant. He modernized the code framework of the course "CFD Lab" and developed a CI infrastructure and auxiliary tools for the course.
- Richard Hertrich developed a tutorial for the "replay mode" of preCICE as a student assistant.
- Richard Hertrich developed FSI tutorials for preCICE that use FEniCS and OpenFOAM and extended the FEniCS adapter for preCICE during his bachelor thesis.
- Richard Hertrich also worked on the Fluent adapter for preCICE during his research internship.
- Dominik Volland developed the MATLAB bindings for preCICE during his master thesis.
- Gilberto Lem Carrillo helped with the integration of the MATLAB bindings as a student assistant.
Theses advised
Summer 2024
Winter 2021/2022
- Lecture: Turbulent Flow Simulation on HPC-Systems (IN2311, MW2048)
- Seminar: Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction
Summer 2021
Winter 2020/2021
Summer 2020
Winter 2019/2020
Summer 2019
Winter 2018/2019
- Lecture: Turbulent Flow Simulation on HPC-Systems (IN2311, MW2048)
- Master Lab Course: Scientific Computing Lab (CSE) (IN2182)
Summer 2018
Winter 2017/2018
- Simulation Model as a Service (SMaaS): A concept for integrated deployment, execution and tracking of system simulation models. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, Linköping University Electronic Press, 2023 mehr…
- Computer-Aided Design in Virtual Reality. , 2017 mehr…
- CAD-integrated Topology Optimization (BGCE Honours Project). , 2016 mehr…
- Implementation of test scenarios for incompressible flow using a divergence-free finite-element approach. , 2014 mehr…
- High-fidelity partitioned multiphysics with preCICE and open-source solvers. PDESoft 2024, 2024 mehr…
- Waveform iteration in partitioned multiphysics with preCICE. (Vortrag / CREATOR Seminar, TU Darmstadt) 2024 mehr…
- Waveform iteration in partitioned multiphysics with preCICE. PinT 2024, 2024 mehr…
- Dirichlet-Neumann waveform iteration with the coupling library preCICE. DD28, 2024 mehr…
- From low-order to high-order coupling schemes. preCICE Workshop 2022, 2022 mehr…
- Design and evaluation of a waveform iteration–based approach for coupling heterogeneous time stepping methods via preCICE. WCCM XV / APCOM VIII, 2022 mehr…
- A Simple Test Case for Error Reduction of Black-Box Coupling Schemes. 9th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 2022 mehr…
- preCICE language bindings. preCICE Workshop 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Quasi-Newton waveform iteration for solving coupled problems in a partitioned fashion. SIAM CSE 2021, 2021 mehr…
- Quasi-Newton waveform iteration for solving coupled problems in a partitioned fashion. ECCOMAS Congress 2020 & 14 th WCCM, 2021 mehr…
- High-order and multi-rate time stepping with preCICE. preCICE Workshop 2020, 2020 mehr…
- A Quasi-Newton Accelerated Multirate Coupling Scheme for Partitioned Simulation. VIII International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, 2019 mehr…
- Using FEniCS and OpenFOAM for the simulation of conjugate heat transfer in a partitioned fashion. 90th GAMM Annual Meeting, 2019 mehr…
- High-Order Time Stepping in Partitioned FSI with Black-Box Solvers. WCCM XIII / PAMACM II, 2018 mehr…
- Time stepping algorithms for partitioned multi-scale multi-physics in preCICE. ECCM 6 / ECFD 7 , 2018 mehr…
- Improving Time Stepping in Partitioned Multi-Physics. 89th GAMM Annual Meeting, 2018 mehr…
- Solving the Partitioned Heat Equation Using FEniCS and preCICE. GAMM CSE Workshop 2018, 2018 mehr…
- Time Stepping for Partitioned Multi-Physics. GAMM CSE Workshop 2017, 2017 mehr…
Other activities
- Co-founder of simercator
- Student advisor and program coordinator of the CSE Master's program (until end of summer term 2021)
- Co-developer of web applications for teaching in mechanics and mathematics. See also here.
- Assistant program coordinator of the elite track BGCE (until 2020)