Hayden Liu Weng, M.Sc.

Technische Universität München

TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching

Office: MI 02.05.057
Mail: liuweng (at) cit.tum.de 

Tel: +49-89-289-18630
Fax: +49-89-289-18607
Office Hours: by arrangement


Research Interests

  • Numerical Linear Algebra
    • Iterative Linear Solvers
    • Preconditioning for large sparse systems
  • Machine Learning
  • HPC
  • Optimization

Secretary of M.Sc. Computational Science and Engineering


  • Processing of Master's theses
  • Questions and advice concerning examination regulations
  • Forwarding of requests to the examination board (incl. recognitions, prolongations, etc.)
    • Note that these usually need to be approved/checked by the coordinators first!

Please email coordinators@cse.tum.de for queries regarding M.Sc. Computational Science and Engineering, rather than messaging me directly!

Open and running student projects

Topics change (frequently) with my ongoing work and depend mostly on the interests and experience of the student. It is best to contact me directly if you are interested in a thesis or student project.

See also the list of Student Projects at our chair.

Do you want to know what other students are working on in our chair? You are warmly encouraged to attend their presentations at the SCCS Colloquium! Come to get ideas, meet your potential supervisor, or to learn from the style of others for your own presentation.

Open student projects

  • Exploration of influence of boundary conditions in linear solver convergence
  • Hardware-dependence studies in linear solver performance
  • Comparative analysis of existing frameworks on modern architectures
  • Hyperparameter tuning in solver selection pipeline
  • Novel machine learning techniques applied to solver selection

Running student projects


Finished Student Projects


  • N. N.: Systemic Exploration of Optimization Potentials for the MGLET Pressure-Solver on Heterogeneous Hardware. Masterarbeit, 2024 mehr…


  • Martin Frank: Implementation of the Space Time Finite Element Method within the AdhoC++ Framework. Masterarbeit, 2021 mehr…


  • Johannes Stubenrauch: Boosting the Run-Time Performance of a FEM-Solver for Turbine Simulation. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…
  • Wauligmann, Peter: Linear Equation Solvers on GPU Architectures for Finite Element Methods in Structural Mechanics. Masterarbeit, 2020 mehr…


Summer semester 2024

Winter semester 2023/24

Summer semester 2023

Winter semester 2022/23

Summer semester 2022

Winter semester 2021/22

Summer semester 2021

Winter semester 2020/21

Summer semester 2020

Winter semester 2019/20



  • Hayden Liu Weng: Partitioned hierarchical space-time FEM for transient heat problems. Masterarbeit, 2019 mehr…



  • Hayden Liu Weng: Advances in Data-Driven Solver Selection for Sparse Linear Matrices. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24), 2024 mehr…
  • Hayden Liu Weng: Data-Driven Solver and Preconditioner Selection for Sparse Linear Matrices. International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Scientific and Industrial Applications, 2024 mehr…



  • Hayden Liu Weng; Hans-Joachim Bungartz; Felix Dietrich: Data-Driven Solver Selection for Sparse Linear Matrices at Scale. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), SIAM, 2023Amsterdam, The Netherlands mehr…