Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

SCCS Colloquium |

Xiyue Zhang: Portfolio Optimization with Gaussian Process Regression

Master's thesis presentation. Xiyue is advised by Kislaya Ravi, and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz.

SCCS Colloquium |

Ivander Alson Tanjaya: Simulation of Supercooled Argon Gas using the Smoothed Lennard-Jones Potential in md-flexible

Bachelor's thesis presentation. Ivander is advised by Samuel James Newcome.

SCCS Colloquium |

Hanqi Huo: Transformations between fully connected and convolutional neural networks

Master's thesis presentation. Hanqi is advised by Prof. Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Jinwen Pan: Performance Evaluation of Acoustic Material Implementation in SeisSol Using Roofline Model

Guided research presentation. Jinwen is advised by Vikas Kurapati, Sebastian Wolf and Prof. Dr. Michael Bader.

SCCS Colloquium |

Mohammad Asif Ibna Mustafa: Wearable device-based human activity recognition

Master's thesis presentation. Mohammad is advised by Abu Shad Ahammed  (University of Siegen), Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Roman Obermaisser (University of…

SCCS Colloquium |

Benjamin Decker: Simulating quantum subsystem dynamics to explore non-invertible quantum cellular automata

Master's thesis presentation. Benjamin is advised by Richard Milbradt and Prof. Dr. Christian Mendl.

SCCS Colloquium |

Philipp Kutz: Evaluating Convolutional Neural Networks in Multi-Fidelity Modeling

Master's thesis presentation. Philipp is advised by Vladyslav Fediukov and Prof. Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Aaron Schulz: Machine Learning Potentials with Long Range Interaction

Master's thesis presentation. Aaron is advised by Prof. Dr. Christian Mendl.

SCCS Colloquium |

Ali Elbadry: Probabilistic Sales Data Forecasting using Stochastic Differential Equations

Master's thesis presentation. Ali is advised by Dr. Thomas Stecher (Carl Zeiss AG) and Prof. Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Rodrigo Sanchez Cela: Full Waveform Inversion with Neural Network Based Ansatzfunctions

Master's thesis presentation. Rodrigo is advised by Qing Sun and Prof. Dr. Felix Dietrich.